Circolare n. 6 · Google suite for work

Monza, 2017-01-09
Circolare n. 6
A tutto il personale
Oggetto: Google suite for work

Lo scrivente ufficio è lieto di comunicare che Google Inc. ha accordato a questa istituzione scolastica, su richiesta del dirigente, la G-suite for work, a titolo gratuito.

Seguiranno notizie di dettaglio sopra l’utilizzo di questo importante strumento di lavoro. Si riporta in allegato la comunicazione da parte di Google, acquisita agli atti con protocollo 0046/A22 del 09/01/2017.

Si ringrazia per la consueta e fattiva collaborazione.
Il dirigente scolastico
Claudio Meneghini
(Firma autografa sostituita a mezzo stampa ai sensi dell’art. 3 c. 2 d.lgs. 39/1993)

Segue copia della comunicazione del Google :

Hello Claudio,
Welcome to G Suite for Education! We reviewed your application and are excited to upgrade your domain to the Education Edition. Below is a list of resources to guide your implementation.
Getting Started

  • Login at
  • Review the G Suite for Education Help Center for commonly asked questions.
  • Check out the G Suite for Education homepage for product-specific details, customer testimonials and our webinar schedule.


  • Review our Deployment Checklist for step-by-step instructions.
  • Check out our Guide to Going Google for technical integration, marketing and training ideas.
  • You can contact our support team via email or phone by clicking on the “support” tab in your G Suite Control Panel. When contacting us, please provide your Customer PIN (found under the “Support” and domain name).
  • To request more users for your domain, please submit a support ticket by following the above instructions.
  • For technical support, you can post questions and best practices to our Deployment Forum.
  • Find a Partner who can help with deployment

Develop your Teachers and Staff

Additional Services

  • For added security and compliance services, Google offers a range of products at a discount for qualified institutions. For more information see Google Vault.
  • G Suite for Education also integrates with 60+ consumer applications, including Google+. Google+ is by default turned off for your domain. If it remains turned off, users will not be able to log in to Google+ using their G Suite account but existing data is not deleted. To enable any of the non-core services, please follow these instructions. Please be sure to enable only services that are appropriate for your end users.

G Suite for Education Terms of Services and Privacy Policy Reminder

  • As a G Suite for Education domain administrator, you determine which Google services, including Additional Services, are available to users in your domain. You are responsible for ensuring that services made available to students and other users in your domain are age-appropriate for authorized users, are used for educational purposes, and are used in compliance with applicable laws and regulations (including the U.S. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the Children’s Internet Protection Act, and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998).
  • Visit the Google Help Center for important information about how to control access to Google services for your users.  Your institution is required to obtain any necessary parental consent for the collection or use of personal information (including that of students) in the Google services you make available to G Suite for Education users. You should become familiar with the features and controls of services you make available—and how your users can use them—to ensure that informed parental consent is obtained and appropriate administrator control is exercised for services students can access.
  • In addition to the terms of service in your G Suite for Education Agreement, Google’s privacy policy describes for you and for parents how Google services collect, use, disclose, and protect information. Additional Services are governed by the Google Terms of Service, and some services may also have service-specific terms.
  • For more information about using Google services safely, please visit the Google Safety Center.

We look forward to your school’s deployment!
Google Cloud Support
Check out ‘‘ for up-to-date launches and product improvements.
Learn more about the life of a support case at
Get timely updates on new features in G Suite by subscribing to our feed at or email alerts at
Case: #11625964
Subject: Request for G Suite Education Upgrade
Il CPIA Monza e Brianza è una
istituzione scolastica autonoma, operante su tutto il territorio della
provincia di Monza e Brianza nel campo della istruzione degli adulti.
L’offerta formativa è finalizzata:
al conseguimento del titolo conclusivo del primo ciclo di istruzione (1°
livello – 1° periodo didattico);
alla certificazione attestante l’acquisizione delle competenze di base
connesse all’obbligo di istruzione (1° livello – 2° periodo didattico);
al rilascio di titoli attestanti la conoscenza della lingua italiana non
inferiore al livello A2 del Quadro Comune Europeo (percorsi di
alfabetizzazione e apprendimento della lingua italiana per stranieri);
a percorsi integrati con le scuole superiori serali della provincia, per il
rientro in formazione degli studenti adulti;
allo svolgimento dei test di lingua italiana della prefettura (d.m. 4
giugno 2010).
Il Cpia si articola in una sede amministrativa, in 4 punti di erogazione
principali (ex CTP) e in numerose sedi periferiche.